Past Events


  • Roma Tre University call for applications for 8 PhD positions in Economics, 6 three-year full fellowships, deadline for applications: 29th August 2017. Call and more info available here.

  • SEEDS Workshop, Ferrara 25th - 26th May 2017 Call for Papers: the event is meant to present and share research ideas for the future life of SEEDS even at very preliminary stages. Developing knowledge exchanges and setting ideas for new projects are the primary aims. There will be room for discussing new research ideas for European projects as well. Submission deadline: March 15, 2017. There is no participation fee. You can download the Call for Paper Here

  • Workshop on "Economics and Econometrics of Innovation and Technical Change". The event will take place on Friday, June 16, 2017 (10am-1pm), Room EC4, at the Department of Economics and Management - University of Ferrara. Other information available here

  • Roma Tre University call for applications for 8 PhD positions in Economics, deadline for applications: 7th July 2016. Call and more info available here.

  • Corrado Di Maria gave a seminar on "Electoral Incentives and Firm Behavior: Evidence from U.S. Power Plant Pollution Abatement". The lunch seminar will take place on 8 March 2017 (13:00) at the Department of Economics and Management (University of Ferrara). Save the date!

  • Massimiliano Mazzanti gave a speech at the Confindustria Romagna seminar titled "Green-Up Imprese. Verso un’economia sempre più circolare" - Parma, 24 febbraio 2017 More information are available here

  • Massimiliano Mazzanti will hold a keynote speech on "Drivers and Effects of Environmental Innovation: Theory and Empirics" during the "Programme des journées de l’Innovation de l’AIMS - Innovation environnementale et développement durable" on September the 15th, 2016

  • The European Network on the Economics of the Firm (ENEF) announces the call for papers for its 13th meeting on "Firms, technology and the quest for sustainable development" to be held in Turin, 15th and 16th September. The call and more information are available here.

  • The Kore University of Enna announces the Workshop on Local resources for tourism: from impact to growth. Enna, 10-11 November 2016. More info here .

  • Workshop – "Italia Sostenibile: idee e azioni per il futuro". 20th and 21st May 2016, Bologna, CNR Area della Ricerca di Bologna - Via Gobetti 101 Program here.

  • Event "University of Ferrara - Sustainability", 12 - 14 February 2015, Ferrara 

  • Seminars on non parametric and semiparametric techniques by Simon Wood (University of Bath), Michel Simioni (Toulouse School of Economics-TSE), Antonio Musolesi (SEEDS) and Simone Giannerini (University of Bologna). University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management on 9th, 12th ad 13th of February 2015

  • Seminar "Tra Economia e Ambiente: Strumenti Decisionali, Benessere Sociale ed Etica Intergenerazionale", on January the 14th at 3 p.m. at the IUSS, University of Ferrara, Aula 1 - via Scienze 41b, Ferrara (IT)

  • Seminar on marine strategy and blue economy "Il ruolo della Strategia Marina e della Blue Economy per una gestione sostenibile del mare" on January the 16th at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Ferrara, Aula Magna, 9 a.m. (IT)

  • Till Requate (University of Kiel) seminar "Climate policy and the support of renewable energy sources" at the University of Rome Tor Vergata on Friday the 7th of November 2014.

  • The International Network Routes Towards Sustainability organized a Conference on Multi-hazard Mitigation: A challenge for sustainability and safety , Ferrara (IT), Ridotto del Teatro Comunale, 29th-30th September 2014

  • The International Network Routes Towards Sustainability organized the First Summer School of the International Network Routes towards Sustainability: PLANNING MULTI-HAZARD MITIGATION: ISSUES OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT, Ferrara, 19th-27th September 2014

  • The International Network Routes Towards Sustainability organized a Routing Sustainable Development towards a Culture of Wellbeing International Symposium , Ferrara (IT), Salone d’Onore, Palazzo Tassoni Estense, Via Ghiara 36, 1st and 2nd of October 2014

  • Workshop on Financialisation and Sustainability, University of Siena, 8th and 9th of September 2014. Program

  • Conference: Smart, inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges ahead, Turin, 18th-20th June 2014

  • Workshop: Waste Prevention and Management: Addressing Sustainability and policy design through comparative analysis, University of Ferrara, 23th-24th June  Download program here

  • Workshop:Trade and Innovation University of Ferrara, Department of Economics and Management, 12th June Download program here

  • Workshop: Finance and the environment – The role of finance behind the adoption of eco innovations and firm’s green competitiveness London, 15th  May 2014 Download program here

  • IAERE Second Annual Conference, Milan, 13th-14th February 2014  

  • Triggering Innovation for decarbonization, COP19 side event, Warsaw, 20th November 2013

  • Workshop: Managing Waste from Disposal to Prevention - Conceptual, Empirical and policy perspectives, Ferrara, 7th October 2013

  • Workshop: Eco-Innovation in the EU, Ferrara, 24th-25th September

  • Workshop: Early Career Researchers Workshop on Innovation and Environment, Ferrara, 31st May 2013

  • IAERE First Annual Conference, Ferrara, 8th-9th February 2013


Past News

  • Roberto Zoboli at the Green Week event 'Building the knowledge base for a greener economy', in Brussels, while presenting highlights of the forthcoming EEA report on the Green Economy in the EU.  some pictures

  • Congratulations to Giulio Cainelli, Massimiliano Mazzanti and Sandro Montresor who have been conferred the Industry & Innovation 2014 BEST PAPER AWARD for the most innovative and high-quality paper "Environmental innovations, local networks and internationalization"

    Past news and events

  • Claudia Ghisetti and Klaus Rennings published a paper titled "Environmental innovations and profitability: how does it pay to be green? An empirical analysis on the German innovation survey" in the Journal of Cleaner Production. download

  • Pierpaolo Saviotti (INRA, GAEL, Universitè Pierre Mendès) will hold a lunch seminar on "Differenziazione e sviluppo economico" at the University of Ferrara on the 20th of May.

  • Irene Monasterolo will hold a lunch seminar "Rethinking sustainability as a complex adaptive system: the contribution of new computational macroeconomic models" at the University of Ferrara on the 14th of May.

  • Massimiliano Corradini, Valeria Costantini, Susanna Mancinelli and Massimiliano Mazzanti published a paper titiled "Unveiling the dynamic relation between R&D and emission abatement: National and sectoral innovation perspectives from the EU" in Econological Economics. Download

  • Francesco Nicolli (SEEDS Research Affiliate) together with Lionel Nesta and Francesco Vona published a paper titled "Environmental policies, competition and innovation in renewable energy" in JEEM. download

  • Professor Gjalt Huppes (Leiden University) taught lectures at the University of Ferrara in March-April 2014. Download program here

  • Francesco Nicolli (SEEDS Research Affiliates) visited TELECOM Ecole de Management (Paris, France) for a week (3-7 February 2014) working with Maria Grazia Cecere on technical change and waste Performances.

  • PRESS: Massimilaino Mazzanti on Unemployment, Taxes and competitiveness

  • Giovanni Marin and Alberto Marzucchi (SEEDS Research Affiliates) visited INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) (Valencia, Spain) for a week (27-31 January 2014) working with Davide Consoli on green jobs and skills 

  • Massimiliano Mazzanti (SEEDS Director) coordinated the innovation round table at “EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 – taking stock and looking forward” Insights from the CECILIA2050 research project, Brussels, 6th March 2014