Celebrating a Decade with a Seminar Tour from Our Partner Universities

10 Years of Excellence: Interuniversity Research Center Celebration

Celebrating a Decade with a Seminar Tour from Our Partner Universities

Join us in celebrating a decade of groundbreaking research and collaboration among member universities.

From November 2023 to May 2024, we are embarking on a special tour of seminars to highlight our achievements and chart the path forward. We invite you to be a part of this journey and witness the power of collective academic prowess.

Tour Dates

This list is updated as soon as more information is available for each seminar and the same information is published on our social media platforms. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to remain updated. #10SEEDSTour

19-20 and 26-27 September 2024 | University of Udine | "SEEDS-UNIPD workshop"

Date: September 2024

Location: University of Udine

Description: Workshop with 5-6 papers by junior and senior colleagues on environmental economics topics.

More Information: Register by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by September 15, 2024!


COMPLETED | 8 July, 2024 | "Webinar: A Voluntary plastic credits systems based on blockchain technology: research in the context of Rome Technopole"

Date: 8 July (11:30 - 13:00)

Location: Università di Roma Roma Tor Vergata, LUISS, and Almaviva

Description: The speakers are Alessio D'Amato (Università di Roma Tor Vergata), Fabio Angeletti (LUISS), and Elena Vitelaru (Almaviva)


COMPLETED | 3-6 June 2024 | University of Ferrara | Three-day "Summer School: The wealth of information provided by patents"

Date: June 3-6 2024

Location: University of Ferrara

Description: Applied summer school on the use of patents as data sources open to PhD students and postdoc researchers.

More Information: Visit this website for updates


COMPLETED | 23 May, 2024 | University of Milan | "SEEDS-Unimi-UCSC Workshop"

Date: 23 May 2024

Location: University of Milan | Via Sant' Antonio, 12

Description: The Department of Environmental Science and Policy (ESP) at the University of Milan, in collaboration with the DISEIS and CRANEC of the Catholic University of Milan, is hosting a workshop to celebrate ten years of activities of the inter-university research center on Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS). Discover all the speakers and agenda and register by May 17. Here the full agenda


COMPLETED | 7, 14, 21 May 2024 | University of Urbino | "10SEEDS AT UNIURB - Lunch Seminars for Young Researchers (LSYR)"

Date: Four dates between March-May 2024

Location: University of Urbino

Description: Find here the full agenda of speakers and attend online| The “10SEEDS AT UNIURB - LSYR” hybrid lunch seminar series is an initiative of the young researchers of the Department of Economics, Society, Politics of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo open to PhD students and Post Doc Researchers from all Universities and Research Centres around the world. The seminar series aims to spur an inter and multidisciplinary discussion around the micro and macro research on sustainability, climate change and other crucial related topics, such as natural disasters (resilience, vulnerability, exposure), health, finance, crime, AI, behavioural economics, law, trade, pandemics, conflicts, inequalities, labour and gender. This allows young researchers to expand their network, get feedback on their research work and spread their ideas. A call for papers will open in December 2023 followed by 4 seminars organized, between March and May 2024 lasting an hour. Master students, PhD students, Postdocs and Professors/ Senior Researchers are welcome to attend. Organised in person, the seminars will be provided online.

CLOSED | Call for Papers (DEADLINE January 31st, 2024): Present either an extended abstract (1000-1500 words) or a full paper at 10SEEDS AT UNIURB - LSYR, to be held in Urbino between March and May 2024. Apply HERE (NOW CLOSED) 

Several papers will be selected after a regular peer-review process and will be presented in seminars of one hour each. The seminars will be structured to be as informal as possible to encourage a broad debate. The presentations will be held in the presence of the speaker, but a virtual room will be organised on the Zoom or Google Meet platform for those who cannot attend the in-person seminars.


COMPLETED | 9 Feb 2024 | University of Ferrara | "Cooperatives & Sustainable Development"

Date: Friday 9 February, 2024

Location: University of Ferrara

Watch the seminar again on YouTube


COMPLETED | Nov 30 & Dec 1 | University of Ferrara | "Business Models (& Climate Change) and Firms' Eco-innovation practices" with Stefano Pareglio (Cattolica Sacro Cuore) and Sandro Montresor (GSSI)

Date: 30 Nov with Stefano Pareglio (Cattolica Sacro Cuore) & 1 Dec with Sandro Montresor (GSSI)

Location: University of Ferrara (check below for each specific date's location)

Description: Included in the University's Green Economy Master course coordinated by Department Director Massimiliano Mazzanti, two seminars are organized on:
**30 Nov (seminar in Italian) | Stefano Pareglio (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) on Climate Change and business models (UCI Cinema | Sala 8)
**1 Dec (seminar in English) | Sandro Montresor (GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute) on firms' ecoinnovation and industry 4.0 (Via Voltapaletto, 11 | EC2)


COMPLETED | Nov 20 | University of Siena | Seminar with Prof. Thomas Sterner (University of Gothenburg)

Date: 20 November @ 12 PM

Location: University of Siena | Via Mattioli 10


COMPLETED | Nov 6 | University of Siena | "The energy transition at a critical juncture" with Prof. Jorge E. Viñuales (University of Cambridge)

Date:Monday 6, November @ 12 PM

Location: University of Siena | Aula M | Via Mattioli 10

Online: Click Here

Description: The seminar is organised by the research group R4S – Regulation for Sustainability, and SEEDS as part of Prof. Simone Borghesi’s course in Environmental Economics, in the Department of Political and International Sciences (DISPI). Professor Jorge E. Viñuales holds the Harold Samuel Chair of Law and Environmental Policy at the University of Cambridge and is the founder and former Director of the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG). He regularly advises governments, companies, international organisations or major NGOs on matters of environmental law and policy, investment law, human rights, maritime delimitation and public international law at large.
